Think before you speak. Read before you think. <Fran Lebowitz>
Our contributors have gracefully donated their time and energy to make Storyteller Sessions an amazing resources for children. Teaching them how to read while entertaining them with stories from all over the world masterfully told by inspired Storytellers.
Thank you for your contributions.
We would like to thank our wonderful contributors from various fields of endeavor: politics, media, entertainment and industry.
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Our non-profit project to teach kids how to read; The StoryTeller Sessions. It's a entertaining way of replicating the traditional "bedtime story", so the child can still experiance narratives through "storytelling", motion graphics; seeing new vocabulary while learning a moral lesson.
It started simple. After serving for 12 years as a Congressional staffer for many different Members, on both sides of the aisle, I decided to scale back my responsibilities and pursue my passion for storytelling. While digging in deeper into the craft of writing/directing and trying to make manifest my ideas; a new concept of storytelling reached out and grabbed me. My niece, Sophia, (left) would always asked me to read her a story before I left. I got to thinking how awesome it would be if there were some bedtime story "readings" professionally acted for her iPad with artwork beautifully animated.
Because Sophia has dyslexia, I imagined a scrolling text bar to help her practice reading with the spoken word highlighted. With the animation assistance of my Emmy award winning friend, Jason, I have continued to develop the concept with even more features and benefits for kids. - "StoryBlocks", alternative languages and eventually an interactive app that utilizes some novel brain research.
The focus is the "telling" of the story in a expressive way, through character, voice and tone as well as subtle and discrete motion graphics to visually engage the child through multiple readings. Storytelling is the beginning of human communication, even babies prefer a person reading to them. In fact, babies too might benefit. In addition to parents reading with the child, the app allows more.
The inevitable app would be designed to allow the child to turn on and off interactive elements, so they could just see the actor "reading" or just the text & voice etc. This "Storytelling Format" is designed to be an adjunct to books, or movies. It replicates the bedtime story that our parents used to read us, as they showed us the beautiful illustrations.
There are several features & benefits to creating a "Storyteller Session" version:
- Combine your acting, writing & design skills: You get to express your passion for your story visually through your acting, and through collaborating on designing this additional format.
- Cost Effective: The creation of each "reading" is fairly simple; especially if there are already interactive elements created for your interactive digital book soon to be released. The coolest thing is; your characters are puppets! It could make for quick, yet visually interesting animation
- Brand Extension: Customers will be able to better engage with the brand through the various forms of your story
- Cross Marketing: You will gain additional revenue streams, with easier multilingual and international exposure
- Dual Design: One design effort can be used for both the high-rez video version as well as the iPad app
- Additional Markets: SS version will also be viable via High Definition TV via AppleTV or DVD/Blueray
- Animated Show Test: If customers enjoy the "motioned" illustrations, it will be a good test case for a fully animated show
- Expertise: Innovative motion graphics, like this, are Jason's speciality and for which he won his Emmy award
- Awards Potential: SS form of your book could be in the "spoken word" catagory. Talked to Grammy's about app award
- Dedication: This would be our first session, as it is your first book. We are hungry and willing to work as hard as you have to make something extraordinary out of your story
We are working up a brief demo, that we will update on this page. But the form is like this:
Social media is important. Parents might buy it for their child because of your celebrity, but they will read it over and over again with their child because of the story. After all, people pay for movies because of the featured stars and a compelling story, children's books are no different.
My goal is thousands of international stories masterfully told by a multitude of actors from a vast array of cultures that teach kids how to read; while teaching them universal stories of hope through service, love for family and the joy of creation. Your theme of "love yourself with all your vices" is a perfect fit. I look forward to brainstorming with you on other ways our project could help promote your excellent first published book.